Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Somebody buy a car, so we can make burgers

People always talk about how tough it is to live in New York, “it’ll chew you up and spit you out” kind of thing, and maybe when Liza Minnelli recorded that song in 1977 that was the case, but I’ve never found it to be true. I can make it here (I have so far, anyway, if the term “make it” is used pretty loosely), but I don’t think that necessarily means I can make it anywhere. I probably wouldn’t do so well somewhere like the Congo, for example. I don’t speak French and I think it’s really hot there. Anyway, the 80s were rough for New York, but Giuliani cleaned up the city and now it’s puppies and ice cream, so aside from ridiculous rent and that guy who flashed us on the subway, living here is usually a walk in the park. Usually. Transporting anything bigger than a tomato is another story.

IM from Dan just now:
i wonder if i can get a grill in a cab

I hope so, I'm starving.

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