Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Julia Roberts would never let this happen

I didn’t know about this until Jeremy brought it to my attention, because I was too busy watching videos on CollegeHumor or something equally as intellectual, and HOLY SHIT, this is a damn real life Erin Brockovich. Wait, that story was real life, too. Well, whatever…Erin Brockovich…in a different state, with different chemicals or something, I don’t know, I’m not a scientist. The point is, there are coal mines in Prenter, West Virginia that are dumping all kinds of crap into the water and now 6 people in 10 houses near the mines were diagnosed with brain tumors and you can’t bathe in it without getting rashes and burns. SIX people in ONE neighborhood with BRAIN TUMORS.
I already said I’m not a scientist (I should maybe think about it, though, I think I could pull off nerdy glasses and a lab coat) so don’t take my word for it, but that seems suspicious. Water that gives people chemical burns seems iffy, too, but what do I know, maybe they’re just being babies. “Water shouldn’t be toxic and give you cancer...wah wah wah.”  Picky picky.

The article is here. I don’t know how this stuff actually happens, because we live in America in 2009 and water shouldn’t kill you, but the secret’s out, so somebody fix it already. You don’t just watch someone get eaten by a lion and do nothing to stop it, do you? Well, it’s a lion, I don’t know, that’s really scary. Anyway, you get my point.

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