Monday, December 14, 2009

Fluffy? Snowball?

There’s a show on A&E called “Hoarders” and it’s always pretty shocking, because crazy people are scary, but holy crap, that’s a dead cat.

And there’s another one over there.

I guess it kind of goes without saying that if you live in piles of trash, you’re crazy, but how is this lady even alive? She hasn't had water for six years. Is that even legal? CPS took her son away when he was in 8th grade, but that didn’t really faze her. Kids are annoying, anyway. She's also lived without teeth for years, because she lost her dentures somewhere in the piles of dead animals, but don't worry, she can suck down a raw hot dog like Rachel Uchitel. 
She evenly split her day between complaining, not doing any work whatsoever, and telling the volunteer who found her top denture that he'd better find the bottom.  Another volunteer was forced to quit because the bathroom "situation" was literally toxic, and she still never thanked anyone when she moved back in. In her defense, she’s a lazy, disgusting waste of a human being. Is that a defense? Whatever, I'm not a lawyer.

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