Thursday, March 4, 2010

Who could have seen this coming? A blind person.

They finally arrested the psychopath who killed Chelsea King when they found his semen on her underwear, and it’s so weird that he’d do something this brutal because he’s never displayed this sort of violent behavior before. Heeeey...

In addition to murder, Gardner was charged with assault with the intent to commit rape, for an attack on another woman in the same park last December, according to District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis. Authorities say they also are investigating whether Gardner might be responsible for the February 2009 disappearance of Escondido High School freshman Amber Dubois, who was 14 when she vanished while walking to campus.
In 2000, Gardner was convicted of assaulting and molesting a girl. The victim, a 13-year-old neighbor, said he repeatedly punched her in the face and fondled her at his mother's townhouse, which is about a mile from Rancho Bernardo Community Park.

PHEW! Convicted! And even better:

Dr. Matthew Carroll, a psychiatrist who interviewed Gardner following the 2000 assault, described him as "callous" and lacking remorse, making him "an extremely poor candidate for any sexual offender treatment," according to court records. "It is my opinion that (Gardner) would be a continued danger to underage girls in the community," Carroll wrote as he recommended the maximum sentence of 30 years in prison.

So naturally…

Gardner was sentenced to six years in prison and served five before he was released in September 2005. He was on probation until 2008.

I’ve mentioned this before, but if you’re contemplating a career in crime, it’s tempting to lean towards something in drugs or maybe something in the con arts (being a con artist seems really fun!) but violent rape seems to carry the most lenient sentences and probation if you should get caught, so that’s something to think about. That’s a pretty big one for the “pro” side.

The point is, goldfish live longer than we keep rapists in jail, so you should get some pepper spray.

*Guys, I had to remove the personal aspect of this post cause the dude was caught and now we're in court and it's a whole thing.  Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion.


  1. Hey! So good to run into you last week! You are scrappy, strong, amazing and inspiring! He WILL get his!
    Laura D.

  2. I have the purple pepperface on my keychain. Not only is it for safety, it's for sassy. For all those rapist effers, I believe there's a special part of Hell reserved for them. The part with all the roaches...beacause that's how I picture it, roaches EVERYWHERE. And constant kicks to the junk.

  3. Im so glad you were ok! A similar situation happened to me as well about 6 years ago. As I was walking home alone after a college football game I was attacked on the street. Cops were assholes playing good cop bad cop with me for days after. Long story but what I learned is that the best thing to do is take classes or do whatever you need to do to take precautions to protect yourself. Only 2% of rape and attack victims come forward yet they are so lenient on the attackers even when they do catch them. Makes me sick. Glad we at least have one of the street.

  4. Did they ever find "the creep outside?"

  5. jesus. that's awful. if i would have seen that, i'm pretty sure i could have channeled some jack bauer. i always thought pepper spray was kinda 1987 but now it totally makes sense. what an effed up world. you are scrappy tho. i'm sure you could kick my ass. almost positive.

  6. to anonymous who wondered about the creep on the street, you're a creep. not a funny or cool comment, dude. good god, you're an asshole! too chickenshit to use your name. what the hell is wrong with you?

  7. I think Anonymous #1 was kidding, Anonymous #2. But thanks for backup!
