Friday, April 30, 2010

In case you were thinking of seeing The Addams Family musical...

I can’t really pretend to know anything about the theater scene in New York (or culture in general, really) but I know that Broadway tickets cost like $100 and no one wants to pay $100 to be disappointed. $100 is a lot of money. Not to me, of course, I use $100 bills to throw at anyone who approaches me on the street because poor people are sad and usually creepy and I don’t need that negative energy bringin me down, but for other people, $100 is probably like, at least 2 meals or something. Anyway, my friend Jon made a really helpful website. What a guy. Sorry ladies, he's taken!

If the guy in the picture had used it, maybe he wouldn't look so confused. I know everyone looooves Phantom of the Opera, but the organ music is a bit excessive and where did he get ALL those candles?

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