Tuesday, October 13, 2009

GG 10.12.09: "I should have guessed...no one under 40's ever shown that much interest in Lincoln Hawk."

Gossip Girl October 12, 2009: Rufus Getting Married

Ah, couples. Couples doing couple things. Helping your girlfriend put on her necklace, feeding each other (what I thought was a Starbucks muffin, but that is a generic bodega coffee cup, which is BS because a Nate and Bree wouldn’t get coffee at Halal’s)on the street, giddy IMing, and patterned silk pajama making out.

Oh, ew, Serena shouldn’t do that cutesy baby talk voice. “You spoil me.” You were already spoiled. And now you’re spoiling my dinner.

Great Dan face when Vanessa tells him to tell Georgina he’s seeing someone else.

Mouse-face trying to be sweet is reminding me of her character on Privileged and why the daughters on that show were so much better than she was.
“Do you happen to know Swahili for mind your own beeswax?”

“We're southern, so family loyalty's really big down there”
“Like slavery…”

“I know women, and none of us are that nice.”
I know some genuinely nice women. I think. Right? There’s gotta be somebody…

“Running with jeans on? It didn't chafe?”
First of all, as if Dan would have believed that in any pants. When was the last time Rufus worked out? And secondly, the thought of running in jeans is disgusting. There’s a woman at my gym who works out in jeans. With her hair down. Jeans don’t breathe and I know her neck is screaming under that over-dyed frizzy black mop, so she can’t be comfortable. She appears to be nearing 50 and I assume she played bass in some sort of sad all-girl rock band and had many more things pierced before than she does now. There are probably holes everywhere. Actually…maybe Rufus would run in jeans.

Georgina should at least attempt to hide her desperation. She went to Jesus camp, she’d have learned how to fake a pregnancy to trick a guy into staying with her. And she looks terrible in this episode.

Love Is a Battlefield

Of COURSE they've got a floormate who makes “brownies.” Finally a reference to pot. It's NYU.

”I knew I let you two watch Parent Trap too many times.”

YES! Finally, Chuck in something more ridiculous than that pinky ring. Vintage Gossip Girl.

“Why would I tell that future Nascar mom anything? I hate her and the tractor she rode in on.”

Jenny and Eric WOULD jump to the conclusion that Vanessa was in love with Dan, AND validate it with its similarity to a Rom-Com. (I’m sorry, I abbreviated in irony and it’s still makes me want to dry heave.)

“They served us wine in Welcome Back Kotter mugs.”
The origin of the welcome back kotter mug!
“I swiped Horshack for you.”
“I'm sure Mayor Bloomberg would be perfectly comfortable toasting us with a Freddie Boom Boom Washington cup. That is so you. Not us.”
OH Lily’s almost outdone her own pretentiousness in this episode. It’s wonderful.

“I’m not in love with you, you moron.”

Aw, he went there and she went to Brooklyn! They love each other. Leap! Blah. I really hate it when people say things like “let’s just leap.” What does that even mean? Let’s get married tomorrow so then we have all these issues to talk about AFTER we’re married? It doesn’t even make sense. And does Lily expect Bloomberg to come to a wedding on a day’s notice? Are they going to send out evites?

“The Whitney's a no, The Harvard Club's a no, and Colicchio laughed in my face when I asked about Craft.”
I hesitate to admit this, but I once had a dream that I was dating Tom Colicchio (not THAT kind of dream, just that we were dating. I was in his apartment. He had a skateboard and I thought it was weird. He’s not a skateboard kind of guy. He’s too old for that, and frankly, a little too heavy to be doing tricks on a half pipe) and ever since then I’ve been weirdly attracted to him. Have you seen his new Diet Coke ad?

“The only time i want to hear "no" is if Ruth Madoff wants an invite.”
“My family's in investment banking, they're all broke.”
“Then you can go.”
Jenny rules with an iron fist.

Hahaha, Serena with a clipboard. She’s very official.

Oh good, they can get married at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. How symbolic.
HA, new mean girls.

“What does it mean when someone used grab your ass and now doesn't?”
He used to grab her ass? Ew. And I wish they’d stop saying they “broke up.” If you hook up with someone for a week, there’s no “breaking up” because in order to “break up” you have to have been together.

Is Scott wearing a denim shirt? Is that a denim shirt? Oh, I think it’s just blue. I wouldn’t put it past him. He is Rufus’s son.

Even dressed-up Dorota and Serena’s amazing boobs don’t make up for Jenny’s Mary Kate Olsen dress. It’s a wedding, not rehab.

Lily Bass let Jenny make her wedding dress? I don’t think so. And Lily wanted to wear magenta? I really don’t think so. And why does she always wear clip on earrings?

I like how he tells Serena he owed "scary people" money. Like he’s talking to a 6-year-old.
I also like how the big deal is not that he was the kind of person that would actually con a poor girl into almost marrying him, it’s that it might mean that he doesn’t care about Serena. “did you make her breakfast, too?” Uh, no, I saved the Toaster Strudel all for you.

Oooh Oooh Love Child, things didn't get any easier.
AND heartbreak hotel?
Enough with the song titles.

Friday Night Lights reference. They’re supposed to be from Texas, we get it. I don't watch that show, but it’s filmed at my high school, so I appreciate the shout-out. Go Panthers.

“After what I did, what am I even supposed to say?”
Lily’s so clueless at parenting, I love it.

“Because I can break your heart, and that's terrifying. And i know that because right now you're breakin mine.”
"you're breakin mine"? Are those old Lincoln Hawk lyrics?

Can we give this kid a haircut if he's going to be a Humphrey?
Lily crying! and...hugging. that was weird.

“Reunited and it feels so good.”

Oh gaaaaaah Sonic Youth. I hate Sonic Youth.
Juno: “I bought another Sonic Youth album and it sucked, it's just noise.”
She’s the smart one in that movie, remember.

"I should have guessed...no one under 40's ever shown that much interest in Lincoln Hawk."

"See I told you, he has my nose."
“Maybe, but those are my eyebrows.”
Leave it to Eric to notice the kid’s brows.

“I'm a Buckley. As much as I like you, that's always gonna come first. It's in my blood. It's Texas.”
It’s kind of entertaining to see what the writers think about Texas. It’s a state, not a cult. I’m from Texas and I’ve only married one of my brothers. So far.

What are the big Buckley boys gonna do, beat him up? Kill him? Kneecaps? No, that’s Jersey.

HA Dorota’s in charge of the get-rid-of-Georgina plot. In a headscarf.

Well, everyone’s still in love except Nate. Even Serena’s coming around to Carter, and once the Buckley boys are done with him, she’ll forget all about that other girl he screwed over. Girls love black eyes and scars. I once dated an ex-hockey player. He wasn’t a master conversationalist, but I saw a picture of him bleeding on the ice from his hockey days, and it made stories about socks tolerable for like 6 weeks.

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