Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ed can't be happy

Before I get to the results...ok, I won't even preface this, because it makes me laugh too hard to think. After I wrote the last post, I got this email from my dad:

He does make the songs his own by changing the arrangements, and he can sing anything from slow to rock and roll. He's got the best voice of any of the singers that American Idol has ever had.
So make fun of me if you want.

I'll make plenty of fun of you for being Idol intesnse, Dad, but not for liking Adam Lambert. The dude can blow. (Sorry, I had to do it.) Kris is a kutie (see, things that should start with "c" look wrong when they start with "k") and he plays the guitar and the piano, so I like him, but I've heard Simon say "this is a singing competition" about 10,000 times over the years. I'm not saying Kris can't sing (plus I wanna squeeze him) but if you have ears, you know Adam's better singer.

Alright, so the wait's over and Kris is the big winner. I know some people have been watching this all season, but I've been really invested since this afternoon, and I don't know about everyone else, but I'm pretty surprised. Supergay is clearly a better singer, and I'm pretty sure only about half the people in Arkansas have phones, so I don't know how this happened. I know they always act surprised when they win, but I think Kris is actually shocked when he says "Adam deserves this." You're totally right, Kris, but you're adorable, so good for you. Now shave that thing off your face.

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