Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm getting Team Dave shirts made up

Sarah Palin’s absurd and if I'm forced to listen to her whiney voice in that terrible accent, I immediately dismiss everything she says the moment it hits my ears because she's a calculating bitch and unfortunately for Alaska, not very smart, but this I just cannot ignore.

“The comment that was made about statutory rape of my 14-year-old daughter…” ?

“It would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman…” ?

(Matt asked what she meant by should watch her response, her idiocy is entertaining)

I cannot physically roll my eyes enough to convey how ridiculous those statements are. David Letterman made a joke. Shocking, yes, because he’s a comedian, so it’s weird that he’d do something like that. Not in the best taste to joke about a young girl getting pregnant or being a hooker? Eh, maybe. But the Spitzer joke is really more of a slam to Spitzer than it is to Bristol, and she already got herself pregnant by some redneck named LEVI, for God’s sake, so let’s not act like a joke about A-Rod knocking her up is the worst thing that’s ever happened to her.


  1. Team Palen! Dave is a completely out of line. Good for her that she is able to risk looking "uncool" to defend Dave's poor choice. Being a comedian is no excuse. There is funny humor and then there is hurtful, negative humor.

  2. Being in Texas all I hear is people that agree with "ANONYMOUS"! It kind of makes me want to throw up. Seriously, it was a joke! And really Palin, do you have to go on national TV to defend yourself against a joke? Are you really that dumb or are you just trying to get yourself in the media using your daughters name for your 2012 run?

  3. In New York I am surrounded by people who think it is a novel idea to bash the heck out of anything Palin. I am disgusted by it. In my opinion, we live it a culture that is geared in a way that is very destructive an hurtful to feminity and women in general. This is a perfect example. Palin my not be my favorite person but THANK GOD she defended her daughter. Any parent in their right mind would do the same. And she was dead right when she mentioned a "double standard." America needs more of a conscience!

  4. Haha, this is great. Bets, love you. Let's get something straight. I'm not bashing Palin for standing up for her daughter. Yes, anyone would and should. I'm bashing her for the statements she used about "statutory rape" and "keeping Willow away from David Letterman." She can defend her daughter without going totally nutso extreme.

  5. oh wait, I forgot my other point. It's Sunday night at 1am, cut me some slack. Matt asked her what she meant by "keep Willow away from David Letterman" and asked "are you suggesting that he can't be trusted around a 14-year-old girl?" she answered by saying "take it however you want to take it." Purposefully implying what everyone knows she's implying is just as offensive as the joke she's all up in arms about. That's why it's funny! You can't hear me, but I'm laughing right now. Hahahahaha! (did that work? can you hear me? I don't think "lol" is as effective.)

  6. I am a mother and too will go to the ends of the Earth to defend my children...against legitamate things. Probably not going to fight the big fight for a joke made about them. That's life...toughen up...and if you did not want your children under scrutiny of the public eye....maybe choose not run for Vice President. Just saying...whether it is right or wrong...look how the media has treated past president's children and presidential hopeful's children before making the decision to run. And if she is SO concerned about her kiddos morality possibly the best choice was not to rebuttle with an equally degrading comment about 'ol Dave. Just you have those Team Dave shirts made up yet Mel? I am laughing right along with you Mel. Here's to a good debate ANONYMOUS.

  7. yes dave's joke was in poor taste (a LOT of comedy is in poor taste..helloo, anyone seen The Hangover yet? I laughed my ass off at inappropriate things for 2 hours) but is he a rapist? Certainly not.

  8. Haha, exactly.

    "Do you mean that David Letterman can't be trusted around a 14 year-old-girl?"

    Obvious and appropriate response: "of course that's not what i meant"

    the response given: "take it however you want to take it"

    Me: "uuuuh...what? did she...just...say that?"
    That's my impression of myself. I think it's pretty good.

  9. McCain told a downright nasty joke making fun of Janet Reno, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton.

    "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."
    Quote from John McCain
    Chelsea was 18 years old at the time.

  10. Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?

  11. Palin's just a bag of awfulness. I'd want her to go away, but bashing her is too fun and also hilarious.

  12. I don't understand why liberals are so scared of Sarah Palin. I'm not a big fan, but every time she says something, you lefties get all hot + bothered, and it makes me wonder if I'm missing something.

  13. ahh labels labels. I just find humor when people say silly things. Whether red or blue or crazy or sane.

  14. Anonymous should learn how to spell or at least use spell check.

  15. Interesting discussion. Palin should fire her spin people. She tried a "gotcha" with the Willow thing instead of just saying, "David Letterman owes my daughter an apology for his rude and vulgar comment." Period.

    Tune in tonite to Dave (he needs the ratings since he's still in dead last) to hear him apologize again.

  16. love, love, love the "bag of awfulness". i'm not sure whose comment that was. ryan???? whoever owns that, i'm hoping will let me use it and use it and use it.

    and you're right--she IS a bag of awfulness.

    long live letterman.

  17. I thought the joke was hilarious. But not quite as funny as it is watching all you guys get your knickers in bunches over Sarah Palin!

  18. regarding the june 13th comment about various kinds of humor, i'm pretty sure you're wrong. by definition humor probably has to be funny. sara, is that you out there responding to this blog?
