Tuesday, April 7, 2009

GG 1.12.09: What now, people? It's not like I brought a tuna sandwich.

What now, people? It's not like I brought a tuna sandwich.

"courage, nephew..." please.

so, jack is old enough to be chuck's legal guardian, but not too old to sleep with a 17-year-old? Are we to believe that Blair would let him blackmail her later with this whole New Year's thing? she'd stick him with statutory.

"why do you wear so much purple?"

the step girls in plaid this week. mmm, i'm ok with it.

"you noticed that thai waitress i was gonna take homoe the other night had a penis, so consider us even."

since when does Serena not get gossip girl texts when everyone else gets them?

AH Nelly, I like you less and less.

wow, Vanessa needs to work on her fake smile.

holy crap, Blair, does Serena know you borrowed her dress? and her cleavage? WOW.

HAAAAAA...Blair snatched that eclair off Isabel's plate like a crazy pageant mom.

Jenny and Eric...YES, this is the most realistic fight that's ever been on this show. I might even overlook that sick rattail braid.

hahaha "it's not like i brought a tuna sandwich."

Chuck's not stupid enough to bring those skanks back to the office. but he is. dammit.

well they don't technically share DNA with each other, right? I mean, it's creepy, but there's a way around this, right? No? too creepy?

"you don't think i've thought of this boy every day of his life?" HA. Lily, now's not the time to make jokes.

OH Rufus stop talking about your "rockstar" days in bed. And while you're at it, take off your wooden bead bracelets and leather cuff, they're making me dry heave.

AH the kid's dead, isn't he! is he? i think he is.

a little more hillbilly than you can handle? yeah, us, too. but i love love! i'm so torn.

I KNEW it. well, problem solved. phew.

wow, chuck's said "i'm sorry" 2 episodes in a row. this time with hot pink peonies, even. that's enough to make any girl forget about the hookers you caught him with 3 hours earlier.

He's dead, you can be together! see, good things happen to good people.

AAAAH He's not dead! mother fu----. I hate this kid already. I should have seen this coming. I got too excited.

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