Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Welcome to the best thing ever

Apparently I miss out on Youtube crazes more than I realize. How I manage to never see things that have like 40 million views, I’ll never know. I sit at a computer all damn day long. I just found out about that penguin site today. I know! But thanks to my gorgeous, talented and hilarious friends Rachel and Jody, I didn’t miss this. And actually, it only has 98,000 views, which is nothing. Susan Boyle got 98,000 views before she got off the stage. That skateboarding dog has like 7 million. SEVEN MILLION VIEWS. So basically, Rachel and Jody are to be credited with the discovery of what is now my favorite thing in the whole wide world. Maybe second favorite thing…I really like Oreos.

So here’s the set-up: Brenda Dickson was a beauty queen turned soap “star” in the 80s. That’s really it. Enjoy.

As if someone could possibly see that and not be compelled to make a parody:

I know it seems like she should have died of shame and hairspray a long time ago, but I guess not:

She also has a blog, which is one too many things that Brenda Dickson and I have in common.


  1. gawd, don't you miss gold lame and shoulder pads?

  2. I do! i really do. Ostrich feathers, anyone?
